I, __________________________, understand, as an employee of Provincial Homecare that I must maintain strict confidentiality of client information and it is my responsibility to safeguard any information and immediately report any possible breach of confidentiality. I fully understand the legal implications involved with a breach of confidentiality and that it will result in disciplinary action and may including immediate termination of employment.

Employees may be entrusted with information of a personal and private nature concerning the individuals they work with and their families. Employees of Provincial Homecare are not to divulge any knowledge, nor discuss at any time, or at any place with unauthorized persons either during the time of employment or hereafter.

Support staff are not to discuss their clients, in the presence of others, or with their partners, friends or other members of the home care agency if they are not assigned to that client and never post comments or images on social media. Never record conversations or take pictures in a client’s home or in the presence of a client.

When staff are asked where they work, they should reply “Provincial Homecare,” never give them the name of the client or their address.

All Staff are expected to review, understand and comply with PHIA (Personal Health Information Act) and ATIPPA (Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act) found on the NL Government web site.

A breach of confidentiality is a very serious matter and will result in disciplinary action and may include third party legal action.