When a worker is assigned to a new client, Provincial Homecare will take every necessary step to ensure that an official “meet and greet” occurs with the client, family and/or caregiver.

In the absence of a prior meet & greet and/or another familiar Home Support Worker, family member or caregiver, client specific identifiers will be used to confirm the Home Support Worker is working with and providing care to the correct client on the first encounter/shift with a client.

In a Long-Term Facility or hospital setting, armbands, room and bed numbers are used to correctly identify a patient, but in the Home Support setting, our clients do not wear armbands.

In partnership with clients and families, at least 2 client identifiers must be used at the beginning of an encounter/shift with a new client to confirm their identity. Provincial Homecare asks Home Support Workers to perform Client Identification by asking the client to state the below 2 identifiers;

  1. The Clients full name
  2. The Client’s address

These identifiers will be provided by a Client Care Coordinator to the Home Support Worker prior to their initial shift. Also, once a shift has been accepted, this information is easily accessible in the AlayaCare App.

Employee Signature: ___________________________

Date: _______________________________________

Provincial Homecare Management